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Drupal Website


Arbeitssicherheit Schweiz


Drupal CMS


User Experience & Design

Website Development

A central information platform with all the important information for parents-to-be

We were asked to create an informative and user-friendly website on maternity protection for Arbeitssicherheit Schweiz. This platform is designed to provide valuable information and support for expectant mothers and fathers, employers and doctors. The project was implemented using the open source CMS Drupal. This was an explicit request from our client.

Our client had the basic design idea created in advance. We adapted this slightly for an optimal user experience (UX) and adapted it for the mobile version.

Drupal Website - Desktop und Mobile Version

Why maternity protection is important

Maternity protection is a key issue in employment law and plays a crucial role in the lives of many women and men. It not only offers legal protection, but also the necessary support during pregnancy and after the birth of a child. Maternity protection ensures that expectant mothers are protected and respected during this sensitive phase of their lives.

What the new Drupal website offers


The new website offers a wealth of information focusing on various aspects of maternity protection:

  1. I'm going to be a mother: maternity protection regulations, including the maternity protection period, protection against dismissal and rights in the workplace.
  2. I am a mother: rights and obligations after giving birth. From protective measures in the workplace to the employer's obligations.
  3. I am a self-employed mother: challenges and opportunities.
  4. I am / will be a father: relevant information on paternity, income replacement as well as links and documents.
  5. I am an employer: Information on how to best support female employees during and after pregnancy.
  6. I am a gynecologist: Protective measures in the workplace.

An informative FAQ section should never be missing on a website

A comprehensive FAQ section answers frequently asked questions about maternity protection and helps to clear up any uncertainties.


Intuitive navigation and clear content structure

Navigation on the website is intuitive and clear so that visitors can quickly find the information they need. The content is clearly structured and easy to understand to ensure that every visitor can benefit from the website.

With this website, OHS Switzerland aims to raise awareness of maternity protection and make a positive contribution to supporting expectant mothers and their employers. We firmly believe that well-informed and supported mothers are better placed to cope with the challenges and joys of motherhood.

We invite you to visit the Maternity Protection website and see for yourself the wide range of information and resources available.

Drupal CMS

Drupal CMS

Drupal is an open source tool platform for the development of web-based applications such as websites, apps, web portals, intranets or online stores. As an experienced Drupal agency, we develop customized digital solutions for you.

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