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Development of a Shopware 6 online shop for Kofmel Mühle

Reach a larger target group with e-commerce

As a specialized shopware agency, we had the pleasure of developing the first online shop for our client, Kofmel Mühle. Kofmel Mühle, known for its high-quality grain products, had previously offered its products exclusively in its traditional mill store. The new online shop marks a significant step into the digital world, expanding the customer offering and making the products accessible to a wider audience.

The project objectives of this digital transformation are:

  • Introduction of online sales: Creation of a new online presence to offer Kofmel Mühle products to a wider market. With this strategic decision, Kofmel opens doors to new markets and enables customers to buy from you regardless of their location. This move represents a decisive step towards growth and brand awareness.

  • Implementation with Shopware 6: Use of the latest Shopware 6 platform for a robust and flexible e-commerce solution. It not only offers a wide range of functions that are essential for the successful operation of an online store, but is also characterized by its flexibility, which makes it possible to tailor the store precisely to the needs of Kofmel Mühle. By using the latest technology, we ensure that the online shop not only meets the requirements today, but also in the future and continues to play an important role in Kofmel Mühle's business success.

  • Promotion of digitalization: transformation of the traditional business model into a modern e-commerce company. Through these adjustments, Kofmel Mühle is positioning itself as an innovative and future-oriented company that is up to the challenges of the digital age and is opening up new opportunities for growth and success.

We proceeded as follows for the implementation of this Shopware 6 project:

Selection of platform

Shopware 6 was chosen due to its extensive out-of-the-box functionality and its adaptability to meet the specific needs of Kofmel Mühle.

Design and User Experience

Develop an intuitive, user-friendly design that reflects the brand's heritage while supporting modern shopping habits.

Technical implementation and training

Careful implementation of the technical details, accompanied by comprehensive training of the Kofmel team on the use and maintenance of the store.

These are the results of new online shops:

Opening up new distribution channels

The online shop now enables customers to discover and purchase Kofmel Mühle products online, which was previously only possible on site.

Increase in sales

Since its launch, the shop has seen a steady increase in orders and an expansion of the customer base.

Customer satisfaction and market reach

Positive feedback from customers who appreciate the convenience of buying online and a significant increase in brand awareness.

Option for two sales channels

There is the option of an additional Shopware sales channel for animal feed. The two categories of food and animal feed are sold via the same store system. For the user, however, they are clearly separated in terms of content and appearance. The pages and the possible second store channel for animal feed are accessed via a button in the header navigation. This creates a better and clearer sales experience for the user.


The Shopware 6 online shop for Kofmel Mühle represents a significant milestone in the company's digital transformation. As their Shopware agency, we are proud to have not only strengthened Kofmel Mühle's digital presence through this store, but also expanded their sales capabilities to include the online channel. This project demonstrates our in-depth understanding and ability to deliver customized e-commerce solutions that bring traditional businesses into the digital era.

Let's Realize a New Project Together